Chemical Peels

Skin Suite Laser & Medical Aesthetics in Winnipeg offers a variety of chemical and clay peels. Chemical peels improve skin texture and firmness, decreasing fine lines and wrinkles. Peels also even out skin tone, improve acne-prone skin and reduce pore size appearance.

A selection of superficial to medium depth peels known for their excellent results and safety profile. We believe in repeated treatments for progressive and gradual results, and to avoid the side effects and downtime associated with deeper peels. AlumierMD peels use only the pure acids; anti-aging, antioxidant and brightening booster ingredients are applied post-peel in our Brightening Accelerator keeping all components effective.

  • BHA 20

  • Glow Peel

  • Renew 30

  • AHA Duo

AlumierMD Peel $160

Packages of 6 available.

AlumierMD Peels

The afa Antioxidant Facial Peel is available in strengths from 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 percent with rich amino fruit acids or amino acid filaggrin based antioxidants.

The afa Antioxidant Facial Peel is ideal for those with dry or slightly sensitive skin and is highly effective. Corrects photo damage, evens skin tone and texture, improves clarity, improves natural moisture balance and reduces redness and inflammation.

afa Peel $130

Packages of 6 available. 

afa Peels

AlumierMD Post Treatment Kit

AlumierMD provides a post treatment kit containing the most effective ingredients to restore barrier function and hydration while protecting skin from UVA and UVB. Broad spectrum sunscreens contain only physical filters, mitigating the potentially harmful effects of chemical UV filters.

Lunch Time Peel

  • Only takes 20 minutes and can be performed on your lunch break 

  • Improve sun damage 

  • Uneven skin tone and texture

  • Pigmentation 

  • Minimizing pore size 

  • Promotes elasticity 

  • Anti-aging concerns 

  • Increase Hydration 

  • Healthy Glowing Skin 

  • Great on day of prior to events (Wedding)

What to expect?

Peels are gradually increased in strength as clients skin is conditioned to the treatment starting at a low percentage and monitoring the skin  for erythema, sensitivity, and client comfort levels. The peel remains on the skin 1-2 mins and is then washed off gently to not cause any irritation. Peels provide best results  when done on a weekly basis or spaced out over 2-3 & 4 weeks.

Clay Peels

The Clay-Peel is a two-step process of a peel and a clay masque.The clay adds a deeper peeling component along with the peel to allow a deeper exfoliation to the skin and enhances the peels Potency as it is rich in antioxidants.This is an advanced two step peel that can be done in a short amount of time with maximum medical grade results. This peel is excellent for normal to oily skin types as it promotes cellular turnover by exfoliating the skin and removing dead skin cells.

Clay peel $145

Packages of 6 available 

Clay Peels for 

  • Close and tighten pore size 

  • Deep exfoliation

  • Great for Normal to oily skin 

  • Promotes cellular turnover 

  • Increases moisture retention 

  • Excellent for pigmentation 

  • Sun damage 

What to expect?

Effective in improving the overall appearance of the skin. Post treatment a few days the skin may feel dry and exhibit some flaking of the skin. A moisturizer post care will help to alleviate this as the skin has been deeply exfoliated allowing serums and skincare to penetrate deeper into the skin's layers. Clients will notice an improvement in the increased hydration and improvement in pigmentation. Clay-peels are best done every 3-4 weeks